General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: GapInTheTooth
map: Highperch
- players: 6
- length: 20:13
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.21 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(148 KB)
team 1 (loser)
cablenelf (
red | 84 APM | 1661 actions | 19:52)
4 Far Seer
1 Feral Spirit
3 Chain Lighting
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 18 | |
Basic commands | 48 | |
Build / train | 60 | |
ESC pressed | 1 | |
Enter build submenu | 14 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 4 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 969 | |
Select / deselect | 362 | |
Select group hotkey | 90 | |
Use ability | 92 | |
1661 total
» units
Peon | 12 | |
Grunt | 8 | |
Raider | 10 | |
Wind Rider | 5 | |
Demolisher | 5 | |
40 total
» upgrades
Ensnare | 1 | |
Armor | 1 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
3 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 6 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 1 | |
Stronghold | 5 | |
Beastiary | 2 | |
Fortress | 2 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 2 | |
21 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Storms
00:13 Orc Burrow
00:40 Barracks
01:31 Orc Burrow
02:04 Voodoo Lounge
03:14 Stronghold
03:15 Stronghold
03:15 Stronghold
03:15 Stronghold
04:56 Orc Burrow
05:40 Beastiary
05:42 Fortress
05:42 Fortress
07:03 Orc Burrow
07:31 War Mill
09:05 Beastiary
10:03 Watch Tower
10:05 Watch Tower
14:01 Orc Burrow
14:02 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 1 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
3 total
Iplaywithxxxers (
teal | 88 APM | 1768 actions | 20:01)
5 Mountain King
3 Storm Bolt
2 Thunder Clap
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 125 | |
Basic commands | 62 | |
Build / train | 67 | |
ESC pressed | 4 | |
Enter build submenu | 20 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 5 | |
Right click | 833 | |
Select / deselect | 536 | |
Select group hotkey | 14 | |
Use ability | 101 | |
1768 total
» units
Peasant | 13 | |
Footman | 10 | |
Razormane Medicine Man | 1 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 21 | |
Gryphon Rider | 5 | |
Harpy Windwitch | 1 | |
Harpy Rogue | 1 | |
52 total
» upgrades
Defend | 1 | |
Plating | 1 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
4 total
» buildings
Barracks | 1 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 8 | |
Scout Tower | 2 | |
Arcane Tower | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Guard Tower | 2 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
22 total
» build order
00:12 Barracks
00:23 Altar of Kings
00:38 Farm
01:19 Farm
01:37 Scout Tower
01:48 Farm
01:56 Farm
02:26 Arcane Tower
04:33 Keep
05:26 Blacksmith
05:28 Farm
05:56 Scout Tower
06:36 Lumber Mill
06:59 Castle
07:20 Gryphon Aviary
07:25 Gryphon Aviary
07:54 Farm
07:56 Guard Tower
08:37 Arcane Vault
09:17 Guard Tower
16:52 Farm
16:53 Farm
PoorTeam (
blue | 87 APM | 1753 actions | 20:11)
3 Archmage
2 Summon Water Elemental
1 Brilliance Aura
1 Mountain King
1 Storm Bolt
1 Far Seer
1 Feral Spirit
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 54 | |
Basic commands | 207 | |
Build / train | 65 | |
ESC pressed | 3 | |
Enter build submenu | 26 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 5 | |
Right click | 613 | |
Select / deselect | 321 | |
Select group hotkey | 390 | |
Use ability | 69 | |
1753 total
» units
Peasant | 17 | |
Rifleman | 13 | |
Mortar Team | 8 | |
Footman | 1 | |
Flying Machine | 2 | |
Siege Engine | 3 | |
Priest | 2 | |
46 total
» upgrades
Long Rifles | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Flare | 1 | |
Flak Cannons | 1 | |
Barrage | 1 | |
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Farm | 9 | |
Scout Tower | 3 | |
Arcane Tower | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Workshop | 3 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Guard Tower | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
27 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Kings
00:24 Barracks
00:27 Farm
01:03 Scout Tower
01:31 Arcane Tower
01:40 Farm
01:58 Blacksmith
02:26 Farm
02:32 Farm
03:05 Lumber Mill
03:51 Keep
04:30 Farm
05:34 Farm
06:13 Workshop
06:23 Town Hall
07:32 Scout Tower
07:36 Scout Tower
09:11 Guard Tower
09:47 Workshop
10:49 Farm
10:53 Castle
14:07 Workshop
14:11 Arcane Sanctum
16:17 Gryphon Aviary
16:20 Gryphon Aviary
17:01 Farm
17:18 Farm
team 2 (winner)
GapInTheTooth (
green | 57 APM | 1153 actions | 20:13)
4 Blademaster
2 Wind Walk
2 Critical Strike
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 12 | |
Basic commands | 75 | |
Build / train | 52 | |
ESC pressed | 18 | |
Enter build submenu | 12 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 4 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Right click | 564 | |
Select / deselect | 304 | |
Select group hotkey | 30 | |
Use ability | 80 | |
1153 total
» units
» upgrades
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 2 | |
3 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 4 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 3 | |
Stronghold | 1 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
Beastiary | 2 | |
13 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Storms
00:39 Orc Burrow
02:10 Voodoo Lounge
02:13 Voodoo Lounge
04:18 Stronghold
05:16 War Mill
06:01 Orc Burrow
06:40 Fortress
07:32 Beastiary
07:34 Beastiary
09:01 Orc Burrow
09:03 Orc Burrow
09:35 Voodoo Lounge
» items
Healing Salve | 3 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Potion of Mana | 2 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
11 total
yellow | 90 APM | 1826 actions | 20:12)
7 Goblin Tinker
3 Pocket Factory
3 Engineering Upgrade
1 Robo-Goblin
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 5 | |
Build / train | 124 | |
Enter build submenu | 53 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 7 | |
Right click | 920 | |
Select / deselect | 572 | |
Select group hotkey | 56 | |
Use ability | 87 | |
1826 total
» units
» upgrades
Masonry | 2 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Armor | 1 | |
Swords | 1 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
7 total
» buildings
Farm | 4 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 39 | |
Guard Tower | 54 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Castle | 2 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
108 total
» build order
00:19 Farm
00:21 Lumber Mill
00:59 Altar of Kings
01:30 Scout Tower
01:31 Scout Tower
01:49 Farm
01:57 Guard Tower
01:58 Scout Tower
01:59 Guard Tower
02:02 Scout Tower
02:27 Guard Tower
02:29 Guard Tower
02:33 Scout Tower
02:43 Scout Tower
03:18 Guard Tower
03:19 Guard Tower
03:20 Scout Tower
03:52 Guard Tower
03:52 Guard Tower
03:54 Scout Tower
03:58 Scout Tower
04:03 Scout Tower
04:25 Scout Tower
04:25 Guard Tower
04:25 Guard Tower
04:31 Guard Tower
04:31 Guard Tower
04:42 Scout Tower
05:12 Keep
05:39 Scout Tower
05:40 Scout Tower
05:40 Scout Tower
05:47 Blacksmith
06:14 Farm
06:17 Guard Tower
06:17 Guard Tower
06:24 Scout Tower
06:25 Scout Tower
06:41 Guard Tower
06:42 Scout Tower
07:13 Guard Tower
07:25 Town Hall
09:02 Scout Tower
09:03 Scout Tower
09:04 Scout Tower
09:07 Castle
09:07 Castle
09:37 Guard Tower
09:37 Guard Tower
09:38 Guard Tower
09:39 Guard Tower
09:44 Scout Tower
09:44 Scout Tower
09:45 Scout Tower
10:17 Guard Tower
10:18 Guard Tower
10:28 Gryphon Aviary
10:42 Guard Tower
12:04 Arcane Vault
12:08 Gryphon Aviary
12:46 Scout Tower
12:47 Scout Tower
13:15 Guard Tower
13:16 Guard Tower
13:16 Guard Tower
13:17 Scout Tower
13:18 Scout Tower
13:46 Guard Tower
13:46 Guard Tower
14:01 Scout Tower
14:05 Scout Tower
14:07 Scout Tower
14:09 Guard Tower
14:09 Guard Tower
14:46 Guard Tower
14:46 Guard Tower
15:20 Scout Tower
16:10 Guard Tower
16:10 Guard Tower
16:11 Scout Tower
16:12 Scout Tower
16:30 Scout Tower
16:41 Guard Tower
16:41 Guard Tower
17:04 Guard Tower
17:04 Guard Tower
17:07 Scout Tower
17:20 Farm
17:47 Guard Tower
17:47 Guard Tower
17:49 Scout Tower
18:47 Guard Tower
18:47 Guard Tower
18:48 Scout Tower
» items
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 3 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 1 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 1 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
9 total
Steelhound (
orange | 52 APM | 1047 actions | 20:12)
4 Archmage
1 Summon Water Elemental
1 Brilliance Aura
2 Blizzard
3 Mountain King
2 Storm Bolt
1 Thunder Clap
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 15 | |
Basic commands | 44 | |
Build / train | 69 | |
ESC pressed | 4 | |
Enter build submenu | 44 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 7 | |
Remove unit from queue | 3 | |
Right click | 428 | |
Select / deselect | 258 | |
Select group hotkey | 72 | |
Use ability | 103 | |
1047 total
» units
Peasant | 20 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 3 | |
Gryphon Rider | 3 | |
26 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 2 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Swords | 1 | |
4 total
» buildings
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 34 | |
Farm | 10 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Guard Tower | 19 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
73 total
» build order
00:19 Lumber Mill
01:03 Scout Tower
01:06 Scout Tower
01:11 Farm
01:26 Altar of Kings
01:32 Guard Tower
01:33 Scout Tower
01:39 Scout Tower
01:40 Guard Tower
01:43 Scout Tower
01:59 Guard Tower
02:01 Scout Tower
02:15 Guard Tower
02:15 Guard Tower
02:16 Guard Tower
02:28 Scout Tower
02:30 Scout Tower
02:40 Guard Tower
02:56 Scout Tower
02:59 Guard Tower
03:11 Guard Tower
03:13 Scout Tower
04:56 Guard Tower
05:01 Scout Tower
05:02 Scout Tower
05:38 Keep
06:16 Guard Tower
06:17 Scout Tower
06:18 Scout Tower
06:21 Scout Tower
06:22 Scout Tower
06:47 Scout Tower
06:50 Scout Tower
06:51 Scout Tower
06:51 Scout Tower
07:37 Guard Tower
07:50 Guard Tower
07:52 Scout Tower
07:53 Scout Tower
08:08 Farm
08:09 Farm
08:22 Guard Tower
09:38 Farm
09:58 Gryphon Aviary
10:30 Guard Tower
11:44 Castle
11:47 Arcane Vault
11:51 Blacksmith
11:55 Blacksmith
12:47 Gryphon Aviary
13:18 Farm
13:19 Farm
13:52 Guard Tower
14:16 Farm
16:20 Farm
16:21 Farm
16:23 Farm
16:46 Scout Tower
16:47 Scout Tower
16:49 Scout Tower
16:50 Scout Tower
17:06 Scout Tower
17:08 Scout Tower
17:08 Scout Tower
17:09 Scout Tower
17:10 Scout Tower
17:10 Scout Tower
17:11 Scout Tower
17:13 Scout Tower
18:15 Town Hall
18:17 Guard Tower
18:18 Guard Tower
19:31 Guard Tower
» items
Healing Salve | 2 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
3 total
Chat log
(00:04 / All) Iplaywithxxxers: GF HL
(00:10 / All) GapInTheTooth: you too
(00:15 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: k i feed
(00:31 / Allies) Steelhound: i got that
(00:33 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: oj yellow go
(00:35 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: gogogogo
(02:02 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: more towers yellow
(05:04 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: share up
(05:36 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: my shop is up
(06:26 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: armor upgrades plz
(09:10 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: no indications of siege yet
(09:15 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: orb is up
(11:00 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: bats
(11:27 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: too many hawks
(11:30 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: 2 hu vs 1 orc
(11:37 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: share units
(12:29 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: repair
(12:31 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: share units
(12:41 / Allies) NOMORELEFT: need lum
(12:48 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: share units
(12:53 / Allies) Steelhound: i did
(13:12 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: repair
(16:21 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: start that hall
(16:42 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: when i get 12 bats im doing their mains
(16:56 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: more towers here too
(17:07 / Allies) GapInTheTooth: and magic sentry please
(20:06 / All) GapInTheTooth: gg